Houston 311 Service Request
Index |
Use this index to help you
report an issue or problem, request a service, or file a complaint by
clicking on the Service Request link. Updated 3/1/2016 |
Link to form or email |
Days to Complete |
(* Working
Days) |
A |
Air Quality |
Air Pollution, Outdoor |
60 |
Animals |
Dead Animal Collection from City Street or Curb |
311@houstontx.gov |
4 |
Live Animal in Storm Sewer |
15 |
Apartments |
Building Concern in a Multi-Family Habitation |
7 |
Code Violation Report for Multi-Family Housing with 3 or More
Units |
7 |
Landlord Violation in a Multi-Family Habitation |
7 |
Unregulated Boarding House |
365* |
Unsafe Boarding House |
365* |
B |
Ballfield |
Ballfield Dugout Repair |
311@houstontx.gov |
42 |
Ballfield Maintenance and Repairs |
14 |
Litter to be Picked Up in a City Park |
14 |
Building Break-in at a City Park |
311@houstontx.gov |
4 |
Birth Certificates |
Birth Certificate |
7 |
Boarding House |
Unregulated Boarding House |
365* |
Unsafe Boarding House |
365* |
Bridges |
Graffiti Removal |
30* |
Maintenance/Repair |
311@houstontx.gov |
30 |
Buildings |
Building Concern in a Multi-Family Habitation |
7 |
Code Violation |
7 |
Code Violation Report for Multi-Family Housting with 3 or More
Units |
7 |
Dangerous Building Open and Vacant |
365* |
Graffiti Report regarding Private Residential or Commercial
Property |
30* |
Permit Violation |
311@houstontx.gov |
7 |
Sign Violations on Private or Commercial Property |
7 |
Unregulated Boarding House |
365* |
Unsafe Boarding House |
365* |
Violation of the Minimum Standards Housing Code for Single
Family Buildings |
365* |
C |
Capital Improvement Projects |
City Projects Concerns that Affect at Least One City Block |
7 |
Current or Future Project Plans by Area |
7 |
Current Status of a CIP Project |
7 |
New Capital Improvement Project Request |
90 |
Certificates |
Birth Certificates |
7 |
Death Certificates |
7 |
Citizen Complaint |
Alley Repair Request Due to Utility Work |
20 |
Complaint on a 311 City Employee |
311@houstontx.gov |
14 |
Complaint Regarding a City Vehicle |
311@houstontx.gov |
30 |
Complaint Regarding a City Employee |
311@houstontx.gov |
14 |
Complaint Regarding a Vehicle for Hire |
14 |
Complaint Regarding Driver or Vehicle Assigned to Solid Waste
Management |
5 |
Complaint Regarding Driver or Vehicle Assigned to Public Works
and Engineering Dept |
311@houstontx.gov |
14 |
Driveway Repair due to Utility Work |
20 |
General Repair Due to Utility Work |
20 |
Junk/Inoperable Vehicle |
365* |
Landscaping due to Utility Work |
20 |
Mailbox Repair Due to Utility Work |
20 |
Nuisance on Property - Trash, Substances, Weeds |
180* |
Parking Lot Repair Request Due to Utility Work |
20 |
Pothole |
Next Business Day |
Private Property Damage Caused by a City Project |
7 |
Property Damage Caused by SWM Employee or Vehicle |
30 |
Sidewalk Repair Due to Utility Work |
20 |
Sidewalk Repairs |
311@houstontx.gov |
15 |
Street Light Repair |
Top Soil Landscaping Due to Utility Work |
20 |
Code Violations |
Code Violation Report for Multi-Family Housing with 3 or More
Units |
7 |
Construction Code Violation |
7 |
Sign Violations on Private or Commercial Property |
7 |
Violation of the Minimum Standards Housing Code for Single
Family Buildings |
365* |
D |
Dangerous Buildings/Property |
Code Violation |
7 |
Code Violation Report for Multi-Family Housing with 3 or More
Units |
7 |
Dangerous Building Open and Vacant |
365* |
Neighborhood Danger or Nuisance |
180* |
Unsafe Boarding House |
365* |
Violation of the Minimum Standards Housing Code for Single
Family Buildings |
365* |
Death Certificates |
Death Certificate |
7 |
Ditches |
Clean Off Road Ditch |
60 |
Damage or Encroachment in Ditch |
7 |
Evaluate Roadside Ditch for Poor Drainage |
60 |
Remove Debris from Cuvert/Pipe Under Driveway/Street |
60 |
Drainage |
Clean Storm Sewer Drain Inlet |
60 |
Dumping in Drainage System |
30 |
Evaluate Roadside Ditch for Poor Drainage |
60 |
Install Culvert /Pipe under Driveway |
60 |
Install Drain Inlet |
60 |
Missing Inlet Cover |
15 |
Missing Storm Sewer Manhole Cover |
15 |
Repair Drain Inlet |
60 |
Repair Storm Sewer Manhole |
60 |
Reset Shifted Inlet Cover |
15 |
Reset Shifted Storm Sewer Manhole Cover |
15 |
Round Rattling Cover on Manhole |
15 |
Stagnant water or deposit of any foul/decaying substance on
property |
180* |
Storm Sewer Inspection |
60 |
Storm Sewer Odor |
60 |
Drainage Billing Inquiry and Review Request |
14 |
Water Standing on Street, Will Not Drain |
30 |
Dumping |
Dumping in Ditch or Inlet |
30 |
Dumping in Gully, Stream or Bayou |
60 |
Pick Up Trash Dumped on City Property or Illegal Dumpsite |
30 |
Nuisance on Property - Trash, Substances, Weeds |
180* |
E |
Electric |
Electrical Hazard in a City Park |
311@houstontx.gov |
4 |
Employee Complaint |
Complaint on a 311 City Employee |
311@houstontx.gov |
14 |
Complaint Regarding Driver or Vehicle Assigned to Solid Waste
Management |
5 |
Complaint Regarding Driver or Vehicle Assigned to Public Works
and Engineering Dept |
311@houstontx.gov |
14 |
Evacuations |
Transportation Request (Metro) |
311@houstontx.gov |
3 |
Transportation for Persons with Specific Medical Conditions |
311@houstontx.gov |
3 |
F |
Fire Hydrants |
Leaking Hydrant |
22 |
Leaning / Damaged Fire Hydrant |
22 |
Missing Fire Hydrant Cap |
22 |
Missing or Damaged Fire Hydrant Reflectors |
22 |
No Visible Fire Hydrant at Location |
22 |
No Water |
311@houstontx.gov |
22 |
Open Running Fire Hydrant |
22 |
Flooding |
Clean Storm Sewer Drain Inlet |
60 |
Evaluate Roadside Ditch for Poor Drainage |
60 |
Flooding |
3 |
Water Standing on Street, Will Not Drain |
30 |
G |
Garbage |
Add an Additional Trash Can or Cart |
311@houstontx.gov |
7 |
Apply for Back Door Collections Due to Physical Limitations |
30 |
Cancel Add a Can or Cart |
311@houstontx.gov |
20 |
Cancel Automated Recycling for Business |
311@houstontx.gov |
30 |
Cancel Non Residentail Garbage Collection |
311@houstontx.gov |
30 |
Cancel Participaton in Recycling Program (Pick-up cart only, do
not pick up bins) |
311@houstontx.gov |
7 |
Clean -up Trash or Fluids from Solid Waste Vehicle |
311@houstontx.gov |
4 |
Container Placement Issue |
311@houstontx.gov |
10 |
Debris or Sand Removal from Street |
15 |
Debris Removal from Cuvert/Pipe Under Driveway/Street |
60 |
Dumping in Ditch or Inlet |
30 |
Dumping in Gully, Stream or Bayou |
60 |
Dumpster Complaint |
311@houstontx.gov |
30 |
Dumpster Permit Violation |
311@houstontx.gov |
30 |
Heavy Trash Violation |
25* |
Litter Removal From Esplanade/Median |
14 |
Litter to be Picked Up in a City Park |
14 |
Missed Garbage Collection |
4 |
Missed Heavy Trash Pick-up |
7 |
Missed Recycling Collection |
4 |
Missed Yard Waste Collection |
4 |
Neighborhood Danger or Nuisance |
180* |
New Non Residential Garbage Collection (up to 3 containers
allowed) |
311@houstontx.gov |
21 |
New Recycling Participation and Provide Container |
14 |
New Resident Container |
311@houstontx.gov |
7 |
Nuisance on Property - Trash, Substances, Weeds |
180* |
Pick-up Schedule and Other Trash Facts |
311@houstontx.gov |
7 |
Remove Boxes and Other Moving Supplies After Move-In |
7 |
Repair or Replace a Recycling Bin |
14 |
Repair or Replace a Recycling Cart |
14 |
Repair or Replace Damaged or Missing Container |
10 |
Request a New Recycling Bin |
14 |
Request a New Recycling Cart |
14 |
Request Litter Removal from a City Park |
14 |
Schedule Neighborhood Clean-up |
311@houstontx.gov |
10 |
Start New Automated Recycling for Business |
311@houstontx.gov |
10 |
Graffiti Removal |
ATT Property |
30* |
Bridges |
30* |
CenterPoint Property |
30* |
City Buildings and other City Property |
30* |
City Parks |
30* |
Fire Hydrants |
30* |
Harris County Flood Control District Property |
30* |
HISD Property |
30* |
METRO Property |
30* |
Private Residential or Commercial Property |
30* |
Rail Road Property |
30* |
Street or Curb |
30* |
Toll Road Authority Property |
30* |
TXDoT Property |
30* |
H |
Housing, Boarding |
Unregulated Boarding House |
365* |
Unsafe Boarding House |
365* |
Housing, Multifamily |
Code Violation Report for Multi-Family Housing with 3 or More
Units |
7 |
Landlord Violation in a Multi-Family Habitation |
7 |
Report a Building Concern in a Multi-Family Habitation |
7 |
Housing, Single Family |
Apply for Back Door Garbage Collections Due to Physical
Limitations |
30 |
Sewer Stoppage at Residential Property |
1 |
Violation of the Minimum Standards Housing Code for Single
Family Buildings |
365* |
I |
Inspections |
Storm Sewer Inspection |
60 |
J |
K |
L |
Lights |
Broken/Burned Out Lights in a City Park |
20 |
Flashing Beacon Repair |
3 |
Flashing School Beacon New |
30 |
Freeway Lights Out |
311@houstontx.gov |
3 |
Lights Out Under Bridge |
311@houstontx.gov |
3 |
Street Light Repair |
New Street Light Application |
3 |
M |
Multifamily Housing |
Building Concern in a Multi-Family Habitation |
7 |
Code Violation Report for Multi-Family Housing with 3 or More
Units |
7 |
Landlord Violation in a Multi-Family Habitation |
7 |
Unregulated Boarding House |
365* |
Unsafe Boarding House |
365* |
N |
Neighborhoods/ Communities |
Alley Repair Request Due to Utility Work |
20 |
Building Code Violation |
7 |
Building Concern in a Multi-Family Habitation |
7 |
City Tree Removal in ROW, Esplanade or City Park under Normal
Conditions |
180 |
Construction Code Violation |
7 |
Code Violation Report for Multi-Family Housing with 3 or More
Units |
7 |
Current or Future Project Plans by Area |
7 |
Damage or Encroachment of ROW, Driveway, Sidewalk or Ditches |
7 |
Dangerous Building Open and Vacant |
365* |
Flashing Beacon Repair |
3 |
Flashing School Beacon New |
30 |
Graffiti Report regarding Fire Hydrants |
30* |
Graffiti Report regarding Private Residential or Commercial
Property |
30* |
Graffiti Report regarding Street or Curb |
30* |
Heavy Trash Violation |
25* |
Junk/Inoperable Vehicle |
365* |
Landlord Violation in a Multi-Family Habitation |
7 |
Neighborhood Danger or Nuisance |
180* |
Nuisance on Property - Trash, Substances, Weeds |
180* |
Schedule Neighborhood Clean-up |
311@houstontx.gov |
10 |
Sidewalk Repair Due to Utility Work |
20 |
Sidewalk Repairs |
311@houstontx.gov |
15 |
Sign Violations on Private or Commercial Property |
7 |
Street Light Repair |
Traffic Management Issues |
3 |
Traffic School Coordination Issues |
30 |
Unregulated Boarding House |
365* |
Unsafe Boarding House |
365* |
Violation of the Minimum Standards Housing Code for Single
Family Buildings |
365* |
Neighborhood Protection |
Dangerous Building Open and Vacant |
365* |
Neighborhood Danger or Nuisance |
180* |
Unsafe Boarding House |
365* |
O |
P |
Parking |
Broken Parking Meter |
15 |
Parking Lot Repair Request Due to Utility Work |
20 |
Parks |
Amenity, New Request in a
City Park |
180 |
Amenity, Repairs in a City Park |
42 |
Ballfield Dugout Repair |
311@houstontx.gov |
42 |
Ballfield Maintenance and Repairs |
14 |
Broken/Burned Out Lights in a City Park |
20 |
Building Break-in at a City Park |
311@houstontx.gov |
4 |
Clean City Pool |
3 |
Court Surface Repair |
311@houstontx.gov |
14 |
Damage or leaking Sprinkler or Iirrigation System in City Park |
3 |
Decorative Fountain or Drinking Water Fountain Repairs on City
Park Property |
10 |
Drainage issues at a City Park |
311@houstontx.gov |
42 |
Electrical Hazard in a City Park |
311@houstontx.gov |
4 |
Fence Repair |
311@houstontx.gov |
42 |
Graffiti at City Parks |
30* |
Grass to be Mowed in a City Park |
14 |
Grinding of Tree Stump in a City Park, Esplanade or Right of Way |
45 |
Hole in Unpaved Ground at a City Park |
311@houstontx.gov |
14 |
Lights out or Broken |
20 |
Litter to be Picked Up in a City Park |
14 |
Major Water Leak at a City Park |
311@houstontx.gov |
4 |
Minor Water Leak at a City Park |
311@houstontx.gov |
10 |
Mow Park |
14 |
New Trash Can in City Park |
311@houstontx.gov |
14 |
Pests in City Park |
311@houstontx.gov |
14 |
Plant a Tree in the ROW, Esplanade of City Park |
15 |
Playground or Sports Court Equipment Repairs in a City Park |
42 |
Pool Fence Repair |
311@houstontx.gov |
4 |
Post Repairs or Replacement in a City Park |
311@houstontx.gov |
42 |
Potholes in a City Park |
311@houstontx.gov |
42 |
Restroom or Pavilion Needs Cleaning in a City Park |
14 |
Sidewalk Repair in a City Park |
311@houstontx.gov |
42 |
Soccer Goal Repairs in a City Park |
3 |
Sprinkler Repair |
3 |
Trail Repairs or Maintenance in a City Park |
42 |
Tree Removal in ROW, Esplanade or City Park during a Severe
Storm |
311@houstontx.gov |
3 |
Tree Removal in the ROW, Esplanade or City Park under Normal
Conditions |
180 |
Trimming of Trees or Shrubs in the ROW, Esplanade or City Park |
180 |
Unclean Port-a-Can in a City Park |
14 |
Water Playground Repairs |
3 |
Permits/Plans |
Dumpster Permit Violation |
311@houstontx.gov |
30 |
Permit Violation |
311@houstontx.gov |
7 |
Pets |
Dead Animal Collection from City Street or Curb |
311@houstontx.gov |
4 |
Live Animal in Storm Sewer |
15 |
Playgrounds |
Soccer Goal Repairs in a City Park |
3 |
Court Surface Repair |
311@houstontx.gov |
14 |
Playground or Sports Court Equipment Repairs in a City Park |
42 |
Water Playground Repairs |
3 |
Litter to be Picked Up in a City Park |
14 |
Pollution |
Debris or Particles in Drinking Water |
7 |
Drinking Water With a Bad Taste |
7 |
Drinking Water With Odor |
7 |
Drinking Water With Unusual Color |
7 |
Dumping in Ditch or Inlet |
30 |
Dumping in Gully, Stream or Bayou |
60 |
Sewer Odors |
1 |
Outdoor Air Pollution |
60 |
Stagnant water or deposit of any foul/decaying substance on
property |
180* |
Storm Sewer Odor |
60 |
Property Damage |
Driveway Repair due to Utility Work |
20 |
General Repair Due to Utility Work |
20 |
Landscaping due to Utility Work |
20 |
Mailbox Repair Due to Utility Work |
20 |
Parking Lot Repair Request Due to Utility Work |
20 |
Property Damage Caused by SWM Employee or Vehicle |
30 |
Top Soil Landscaping Due to Utility Work |
20 |
Q |
R |
Records |
Birth Certificates |
7 |
Death Certificates |
7 |
Recycling |
Cancel Automated Recycling for Business |
311@houstontx.gov |
30 |
Cancel Participaton in Recycling Program (Pick-up cart only, do
not pick up bins) |
311@houstontx.gov |
7 |
Missed Recycling Collection |
4 |
Repair or Replace a Recycling Cart |
14 |
Repair or Replace a Recycling Bin |
14 |
Request a New Recycling Bin |
14 |
Start New Automated Recycling for Business |
311@houstontx.gov |
10 |
New Recycling Participation and Provide Container |
14 |
Mascot Appearance |
311@houstontx.gov |
10 |
Repairs (General) |
Request New Barricade |
30 |
Barricade Repair |
30 |
Barricade Temporary Placement Until Repairs are Complete |
15 |
Broken Parking Meter |
15 |
Broken/Burned Out Lights in a City Park |
20 |
Cave in at Manhole |
311@houstontx.gov |
60 |
Cave in over Utility Line |
311@houstontx.gov |
1 |
Cave in at Street |
15 |
Curb Repair Due to Utility Work |
20 |
Damage or leaking Sprinkler or Irrigation System in City Park |
3 |
Damage to Service Line |
22 |
Driveway Repair due to Utility Work |
20 |
Fence Cyclone Repair due to Utility Work |
20 |
Fence Gate Repair due to Utility Work |
20 |
Fence Post Repair due to Utility Work |
20 |
Fence Wood Repair due to Utility Work |
20 |
Guardrail Flexbeam Repair |
30 |
General Repair Due to Utility Work |
20 |
Landscaping due to Utility Work |
20 |
Mailbox Repair Due to Utility Work |
20 |
Parking Lot Repair Request Due to Utility Work |
20 |
Pothole |
Next Business Day |
Private Property Damage Caused by a City Project |
7 |
Sidewalk Repair Due to Utility Work |
20 |
Top Soil Landscaping Due to Utility Work |
20 |
Right of Ways (Esplanade/Medians) |
Curb Repair due to Utility Work |
20 |
Damage or Encroachment in ROW |
7 |
Grass Mowed on Esplanade |
14 |
Grinding of Tree Stump in a City Park, Esplanade or Right of Way |
45 |
Litter Removal From Esplanade/Median |
14 |
Mow Easement |
15 |
Plant a Tree in the ROW, Esplanade of City Park |
15 |
Removal of a City Tree in the ROW, Esplanade or City Park |
180 |
Trimming of Trees or Shrubs in the ROW,. Esplanade or City Park |
180 |
Violations, Illegal Tree Removals and Damage to City Trees in
the Right of Way |
7 |
Weeds Control Problems along Easement |
15 |
S |
Sewer |
Missing Manhole Cover in Street |
15 |
Raised Round Sewer Manhole Cover |
1 |
Sewer Blockage |
1 |
Sewer Odors |
1 |
Sewer Stoppage at Residential Property |
1 |
Sewer Overflow |
1 |
Signage |
Flashing Beacon Repair |
3 |
Flashing School Beacon New |
30 |
Install New Signal |
30 |
Modify Existing Signal |
30 |
Pavement Markings Worn / Faded |
14 |
Traffic Sign Maintenance |
14 |
Traffic Sign New / Remove |
14 |
Traffic Signal Maintenance |
3 |
Traffic Signal Timing Synchronization |
30 |
Single Family Housing |
Apply for Back Door Collections Due to Physical Limitations |
30 |
Violation of the Minimum Standards Housing Code for Single
Family Buildings |
365* |
Social Services |
Birth Certificates |
7 |
Death Certificates |
7 |
Storm Sewer |
Repair Drain Inlet |
60 |
Clean Storm Sewer Drain Inlet |
60 |
Clean Storm Sewer Manhole |
60 |
Repair Storm Sewer Manhole |
60 |
Drainage System Violation |
30 |
Dumping in Ditch or Inlet |
30 |
Dumping in Gully, Stream or Bayou |
60 |
Storm Sewer Odor |
60 |
Install Drain Inlet |
60 |
Missing Inlet Cover |
15 |
Missing Storm Sewer Manhole Cover |
15 |
Round Rattling Cover on Manhole |
15 |
Reset Shifted Inlet Cover |
15 |
Reset Shifted Storm Sewer Manhole Cover |
15 |
Storm Sewer Inspection |
60 |
Street Lights |
Broken/Burned Out Lights in a City Park |
20 |
Lights Out Under Bridge |
311@houstontx.gov |
3 |
Street Light Repair |
New Street Light Application |
3 |
Streets/Roadways/ Major Thoroughfares |
Alley Repair Request Due to Utility Work |
20 |
Barricade Repair |
30 |
Barricade Temporary Placement Until Repairs are Complete |
15 |
Bridge Maintenance/Repair |
30 |
Broken Parking Meter |
15 |
Buckle or hump formed in street |
30 |
Cave in at Manhole |
311@houstontx.gov |
60 |
Cave in at Street |
15 |
Cave in over Utility Line |
311@houstontx.gov |
1 |
Clean -up Trash or Fluids from Solid Waste Vehicle |
311@houstontx.gov |
4 |
Curb Repair Due to Utility Work |
20 |
Damage or Encroachment of ROW, Driveway, Sidewalk or Ditches |
7 |
Debris or Sand Removal from Street |
15 |
Debris Removal from Cuvert/Pipe Under Driveway/Street |
60 |
Dip in Street |
30 |
Graffiti on Bridge |
30* |
Graffiti on Street or Curb |
30* |
Guardrail Flexbeam Repair |
30 |
Hump Caused by Street Buckling |
30 |
Ice on Bridge |
3 |
Ice on Roadway |
2 |
Lights Out Under Bridge |
311@houstontx.gov |
3 |
Pavement Markings - New |
14 |
Pavement Markings Worn / Faded |
14 |
Pothole |
Next Business Day |
Request New Barricade |
30 |
Speed Zone New |
14 |
Street Repair Due to Utility Work |
20 |
Tree Removal in ROW, Esplanade or City Park during a Severe
Storm |
311@houstontx.gov |
3 |
Tree Removal in the ROW, Esplanade or City Park under Normal
Conditions |
180 |
Swimming Pools |
Clean City Pool |
3 |
Pool Fence Repair |
311@houstontx.gov |
4 |
T |
Traffic |
Flashing Beacon Repair |
3 |
Install New Signal |
30 |
Modify Existing Signal |
30 |
Neighborhood Traffic Management Issues |
3 |
Pavement Markings Worn / Faded |
14 |
School Coordination Issues |
30 |
Traffic Sign Maintenance |
14 |
Traffic Sign New / Remove |
14 |
Traffic Signal Maintenance |
3 |
Traffic Signal Timing Synchronization |
30 |
Pavement Markings - New |
14 |
Speed Zone New |
14 |
Transportation |
Evacuation Request (Metro) |
311@houstontx.gov |
3 |
Evacuation for Persons with Specific Medical Conditions
(Emergency Management) |
311@houstontx.gov |
3 |
Trash |
Add an Additional Trash Can or Cart |
311@houstontx.gov |
7 |
Apply for Back Door Collections Due to Physical Limitations |
30 |
Cancel Add a Can or Cart |
311@houstontx.gov |
20 |
Cancel Automated Recycling for Business |
311@houstontx.gov |
30 |
Cancel Non Residentail Garbage Collection |
311@houstontx.gov |
30 |
Cancel Participaton in Recycling Program (Pick-up cart only, do
not pick up bins) |
311@houstontx.gov |
7 |
Debris Removal from Cuvert/Pipe Under Driveway/Street |
311@houstontx.gov |
30 |
Clean -up Trash or Fluids from Solid Waste Vehicle |
311@houstontx.gov |
4 |
Container Placement Issue |
311@houstontx.gov |
10 |
Debris or Sand Removal from Street |
15 |
Dumping in Ditch or Inlet |
30 |
Dumping in Gully, Stream or Bayou |
60 |
Dumpster Complaint |
311@houstontx.gov |
30 |
Dumpster Permit Violation |
311@houstontx.gov |
30 |
Litter Removal From Esplanade/Median |
14 |
Litter to be Picked Up in a City Park |
14 |
New Resident Container |
311@houstontx.gov |
7 |
Heavy Trash Violation |
25* |
Missed Garbage Collection |
4 |
Missed Heavy Trash Pick-up |
7 |
Missed Recycling Collection |
4 |
Missed Yard Waste Collection |
4 |
Pick Up Trash Dumped on City Property or Illegal Dumpsite |
30 |
Remove Boxes and Other Moving Supplies After Move-In |
7 |
Repair or Replace a Recycling Bin |
14 |
Repair or Replace a Recycling Cart |
14 |
Repair or Replace Damaged or Missing Container |
10 |
Request a New Recycling Bin |
14 |
Request a New Recycling Cart |
14 |
Request Litter Removal from a City Park |
14 |
Schedule of Pick-ups and Other Trash Facts |
311@houstontx.gov |
7 |
Start New Automated Recycling for Business |
311@houstontx.gov |
10 |
Schedule Neighborhood Clean-up |
311@houstontx.gov |
10 |
New Non Residential Garbage Collection (up to 3 containers
allowed) |
311@houstontx.gov |
21 |
New Recycling Participation and Provide Container |
14 |
Nuisance on Property - Trash, Substances, Weeds |
180* |
U |
Utilities/Drainage |
Clean Storm Sewer Drain Inlet |
60 |
Drainage System Violation |
30 |
Dumping in Ditch or Inlet |
30 |
Dumping in Gully, Stream or Bayou |
60 |
Evaluate Roadside Ditch for Poor Drainage |
60 |
Flooding |
3 |
Install Drain Inlet |
60 |
Missing Inlet Cover |
15 |
Missing Storm Sewer Manhole Cover |
15 |
Repair Drain Inlet |
60 |
Repair Storm Sewer Manhole |
60 |
Reset Shifted Inlet Cover |
15 |
Reset Shifted Storm Sewer Manhole Cover |
15 |
Roadside Ditch Maintenance Request |
60 |
Round Rattling Cover on Manhole |
15 |
Storm Sewer Inspection |
60 |
Storm Sewer Odor |
60 |
Water / Wastewater Billing Inquiry and Review Request |
14 |
Water Standing on Street, Will Not Drain |
30 |
Utilities/Fire Hydrants |
Damaged |
22 |
Graffiti |
30* |
Leaking Hydrant |
22 |
Leaning / Damaged Fire Hydrant |
22 |
Missing Fire Hydrant Cap |
22 |
Missing or Damaged Fire Hydrant Reflectors |
22 |
No Visible Fire Hydrant at Location |
22 |
Open Running Fire Hydrant |
22 |
Utilities/Lighting |
Broken/Burned Out Lights in a City Park |
20 |
Flashing Beacon Repair |
3 |
Flashing School Beacon New |
30 |
Freeway Lights Out |
311@houstontx.gov |
3 |
Lights Out Under Bridge |
311@houstontx.gov |
3 |
New Street Light Application |
3 |
Request Street Light Repair |
Street Light Repair |
Utility/Other |
Alley Repair Request Due to Utility Work |
20 |
Cave in at Manhole |
311@houstontx.gov |
60 |
Cave in over Utility Line |
311@houstontx.gov |
1 |
Curb Repair Due to Utility Work |
20 |
Damage or leaking Sprinkler or Iirrigation System in City Park |
3 |
Damage to Service Line |
22 |
Driveway Repair due to Utility Work |
20 |
Exposed Service Line |
22 |
Fence Cyclone Repair due to Utility Work |
20 |
Fence Gate Repair due to Utility Work |
20 |
Fence Post Repair due to Utility Work |
20 |
Fence Wood Repair due to Utility Work |
20 |
General Repair Due to Utility Work |
20 |
Landscaping due to Utility Work |
20 |
Mailbox Repair Due to Utility Work |
20 |
Major Water Leak at a City Park |
311@houstontx.gov |
4 |
Minor Water Leak at a City Park |
311@houstontx.gov |
10 |
Private Property Damage Caused by a City Project |
7 |
Turn Off Water at Customer's Request |
22 |
Utility/Sewer |
Missing Manhole Cover in Street |
15 |
Raised Round Sewer Manhole Cover |
1 |
Round Rattling Cover on Manhole |
15 |
Sewer Blockage |
1 |
Sewer Odors |
1 |
Sewer Stoppage at Residential Property |
1 |
Sewer Overflow |
1 |
Water / Wastewater Billing Inquiry and Review Request |
14 |
Utilities/Water |
Cannot Turn Off Water |
22 |
Damage to Service Line |
22 |
Debris or Particles in Drinking Water |
7 |
Drinking Water With a Bad Taste |
7 |
Drinking Water With Odor |
7 |
Drinking Water With Unusual Color |
7 |
Evaluate Roadside Ditch for Poor Drainage |
60 |
Exposed Service Line |
22 |
High Pressure on Service Line |
22 |
Leaking Meter |
22 |
Leaking Water Service Line |
22 |
Leaking Water Valve |
22 |
Line Out of Water |
22 |
Low Water Pressure |
22 |
Major Water Leak at a City Park |
311@houstontx.gov |
4 |
Minor Water Leak at a City Park |
311@houstontx.gov |
10 |
Minor Water Line Break |
22 |
Missing Valve Cover |
22 |
Oily Water |
7 |
Out of Water |
22 |
Round Rattling Cover on Manhole |
15 |
Stagnant water or deposit of any foul/decaying substance on
property |
180* |
Turn Off Water at Customer's Request |
22 |
Water / Wastewater Billing Inquiry and Review Request |
14 |
Water Standing on Street, Will Not Drain |
30 |
V |
Vehicles |
Complaint Regarding a Vehicle for Hire |
14 |
Complaint Regarding Driver or Vehicle Assigned to Solid Waste
Management |
5 |
Complaint Regarding Driver or Vehicle Assigned to Public Works
and Engineering Dept |
311@houstontx.gov |
14 |
Junk/Inoperable Vehicle |
365* |
Violations |
Construction Code Violation |
7 |
Code Violation Report for Multi-Family Housing with 3 or More
Units |
7 |
Complaint Regarding a City Vehicle |
311@houstontx.gov |
14 |
Complaint Regarding Driver or Vehicle Assigned to Solid Waste
Management |
5 |
Complaint Regarding Driver or Vehicle Assigned to Public Works
and Engineering Dept |
311@houstontx.gov |
14 |
Heavy Trash Violation |
25* |
Landlord Violation in a Multi-Family Habitation |
7 |
Permit Violation |
311@houstontx.gov |
7 |
Sign Violations on Private or Commercial Property |
7 |
Violation of the Minimum Standards Housing Code for Single
Family Buildings |
365* |
W |
Water Drainage |
Clean Drain Inlet |
60 |
Evaluate Roadside Ditch for Poor Drainage |
60 |
Flooding |
3 |
Stagnant water or deposit of any foul/decaying substance on
property |
180* |
Water / Wastewater Billing Inquiry and Review Request |
14 |
Water Standing on Street, Will Not Drain |
30 |
Water Issues |
Cannot Turn Off Water |
22 |
Damage or leaking Sprinkler or Iirrigation System in City Park |
3 |
Damage to Service Line |
22 |
Debris or Particles in Drinking Water |
7 |
Drinking Water With a Bad Taste |
7 |
Drinking Water With Odor |
7 |
Drinking Water With Unusual Color |
7 |
Exposed Service Line |
22 |
High Pressure on Service Line |
22 |
Leaking Meter |
22 |
Leaking Water Service Line |
22 |
Leaking Water Valve |
22 |
Line Out of Water |
22 |
Low Water Pressure |
22 |
Minor Water Line Break |
22 |
Missing Valve Cover |
22 |
Oily Water |
7 |
Out of Water |
22 |
Raised Round Storm Drain Manhole Cover |
15 |
Round Rattling Cover on Manhole |
15 |
Turn Off Water at Customer's Request |
22 |
Water / Drainage Billing Inquiry and Review Request |
14 |
Water Standing on Street, Will Not Drain |
30 |
Water Parks |
Clean City Pool |
3 |
Pool Fence Repair |
311@houstontx.gov |
4 |
Repair to a City Water Playground |
3 |
Water Quality |
Debris or Particles in Drinking Water |
7 |
Drinking Water With a Bad Taste |
7 |
Drinking Water With Odor |
7 |
Drinking Water With Unusual Color |
7 |
Oily Water |
7 |
Water Sickness |
7 |
X |
Y |
Z |